Fine Arts
- Advanced Oil Painting
- Architecture
- Art
- Art History
- Art Theory and Criticism
- Band
- Beginning Band
- Brass Ensemble
- Cartooning
- Chorus
- Creative Ensemble
- Dance
- Drama
- Drawing
- Improvisation
- Improvisational Ensemble
- Inherit the Wind
- Mechanical Drawing
- Multi-medium Art
- Music and Movement
- Music Appreciation
- Musical Theater
- Music Theory
- Music Theory & Composition
- Oil Painting I
- Oil Painting II
- Oil Painting III
- Percussion Ensemble
- Photography
- Recorder
- Schilling Singers
- Sculpture
- Set Design
- Symphonic Band
- Theater
- Wind Ensemble
Foreign Language
- Chinese I
- Chinese II
- Chinese III
- Dutch
- French I
- French II
- French III
- French IV
- German I
- German II
- German III
- German IV
- Japanese I
- Japanese II
- Japanese III
- Japanese IV
- Japanese V
- Japanese VI
- Japanese VII
- Latin I
- Latin II
- Latin III
- Russian I
- Sign Language
- Spanish I
- Spanish II
- Spanish III
- Spanish IV
- Spanish V
- CAD/Web Design
- Computer Programming
- Computer Science
- Lego Robotics
- Abstract Algebra/ Trigonometry
- Abstract Math
- Advanced Physical Mathematics
- Algebra & Trigonometry
- Algebra I
- Algebra II
- Algebra II / Trigonometry
- Analytical Geometry
- Applied Mathematics
- Calculus I
- Calculus II
- Calculus Applications
- Chess
- Differential Equations
- Discrete Math
- Gaming Strategies
- Gaming Studies
- Geometry
- Logic
- Math Analysis
- Numerical Methods
- Post Calculus
Language Arts
- Advanced American Literature
- Advanced World Literature
- Analyzing Film
- American Literature
- Art of Storytelling
- Asian Literature
- Communication Arts
- Comparative Film I
- Comparative Film II
- Creative Writing
- Cultural Studies/Literature
- Debate
- Early Italian Literature
- Epic Fantasy
- Epic Literature
- Etymology
- European Literature
- Film Analysis
- French Literature
- Grammar
- Issues in Philosophy
- Modern Japanese Literature
- Philosophy
- Power of the Pen
- Public Speaking
- Russian Literature
- Satire
- School Newspaper
- Shakespearean Literature
- Topics in Philosophy
- 20th Century European and Russian Literature
- World Literature
- Writing I
- Writing II
- Writing III
- Writing Lab
Social Studies
- Advanced American History
- Advanced World History
- American Civil War
- American History
- Anthropology
- Asian History
- Berlin to Baghdad
- Comparative Religions
- Comparative World Religions
- Cultural Studies/History
- Current Events
- Economics and Finance
- European History
- Foreign Affairs
- Geography Bee
- Greek Civilization
- History of the 60's
- History of the 70's
- History of War
- Law & Economics
- Military Strategy
- Mythology
- Mythology & Folklore
- Naval Military History
- Politics
- Russian Studies
- Sociology of Middle Class
- 20th Century European and Russian History
- 20th Century Warfare
- U.S. Government
- World History
- World War II
- Advanced Biology
- Advanced Physical Phenomena
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Applied Science
- Astronomy
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Differential Phenomena
- Environmental Science
- Environmental Studies
- Geology
- Health
- Instrument Analysis
- Innovation and Creativity
- Inventions
- Mammology
- Molecular Biology and Genetics
- Paleontology
- Physical Analysis
- Physics I
- Physics II
- Psychology
- Science Foundations
- Science Foundations II
- Science I
- Science II
- Science III
- Science IV
- Wilderness Ecology
- Wilderness Pioneering
- Zoology I
- Zoology II
Physical Education
- Aikido
- Competitive Fencing
- Conditioning
- Cross Country
- Fencing
- Golf
- Leadership
- Table Tennis
- Tennis
- Volleyball
- Weight Training